Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Since when did essays become necessary in history classes? Seriously, thematic essays and DBQs? I can understand the document based questions that we have to answer in the DBQs, but why do we need to write an essay about things that the documents are telling us? It does not make sense. (For those who don't know what DBQs are: they are a document based question essay. You are usually given 8 documents and you have to answers 1 or 2 questions on each one. Then you are given a essay question that you have to answer and you can only use the documents as a support for your own ideas) pointless right?
We have English class for a reason. And that is to learn how to work on our writing skills. We do not need to do it in history class also. 
Ughh.. I'm still sick. I probably didn't get any better since Friday, but it's because I hate taking medicine. I cannot swallow anything bigger than a Tylenol and I cannot take cherry tasting medicine cause I throw right up. (gross right)
I need sleep. So good night x33

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