Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Just got them on today. Light blue bands. They hurt a lot. All I've eaten so far is a cup of yogurt. This post is mostly for Allen who wanted to see them!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I took the PSATs today and I believe that it was horrible. I couldn't concentrate at all during it because there was like ten people sniffling, squeaky desks and chairs, and it was impossible for me to sit still. I probably did really bad on it, but it is only the PSATs. I'm probably going to end up taking the ACTs anyways. 
I don't really have anything else to say, but I'm going to the city again on Sunday for some more Chinatown shopping!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jonas Brothers Concert

I'm not really a big Jonas fan, but a concert is a concert. I do actually like a couple of their songs. It was not a bad concert at all. However, there are so many overly obsessed fans that it is crazy. I saw at least 20 girls wearing a t-shirt they created themselves that said, "Marry me (insert one of the Jonas here)." There was also this family where the dad and mom also wore shirts. The dad had a shirt that said "Nick's future father in-law." One of the daughters had a shirt that said "Nick's future wife." I was totally shocked that a dad would actually wear a shirt that said that to the concert. 
The concert started at 9 and ended a little bit before 11. I believe almost everyone there knew every single lyrics to every single song. It was impossible to hear yourself thinking. 
The tickets that I had were actually pretty close to the stage. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Since when did essays become necessary in history classes? Seriously, thematic essays and DBQs? I can understand the document based questions that we have to answer in the DBQs, but why do we need to write an essay about things that the documents are telling us? It does not make sense. (For those who don't know what DBQs are: they are a document based question essay. You are usually given 8 documents and you have to answers 1 or 2 questions on each one. Then you are given a essay question that you have to answer and you can only use the documents as a support for your own ideas) pointless right?
We have English class for a reason. And that is to learn how to work on our writing skills. We do not need to do it in history class also. 
Ughh.. I'm still sick. I probably didn't get any better since Friday, but it's because I hate taking medicine. I cannot swallow anything bigger than a Tylenol and I cannot take cherry tasting medicine cause I throw right up. (gross right)
I need sleep. So good night x33

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New York City

I'm part of the New York City club at my school and tomorrow we get to go to SOHO and Chinatown. It's going to be pretty cool because we get to go off my ourselves for a while.
I haven't been to the city in such a long time. I forgot about all the people selling fake brand name jewelry and bags for such a cheap price. 
We had really, really good pizza in Little Italy and amazing gelato!
All the cheap and fake stuff that people were selling reminded me of Taiwan and how they start at a really high price and you could probably get it for $5. 

I do not remember what was going on, but this is what goes on in Taiwan. 

Until my next post!


Thursday, October 1, 2009


I had an orthodontist appointment today and I was expecting that they would tell me they were going to put on the braces now. However, apparently I need to wait another 2 weeks so it would expand more. This process is taking forever! :[
I think I passed my math test today. It seemed pretty easy, but I would probably have ended up doing the wrong thing for each question. 
I cannot wait for this weekend. This week seemed like it has gone by so slowly. Tomorrow is finally FRIDAY!!!

Current song: One Time -- Justin Bieber 
Current movie: The Replacements
Current book: Into the Wild -- Jon Krakauer