Monday, September 28, 2009

three day weekend

Thanks for jewish holidays!
Instead of a Monday spent in school, I was able to enjoy the nice New York weather. Well at least the nice afternoon weather, before it started to pour.
I left my moccasins outside so they could dry; however, I forgot about them and they were left outside in the pouring rain. Now I have even more soaked moccasins.
I feel that the only thing I did today was eat. I had garden catering, then pizza, then chinese food. About three meals in about 6 hours. I do not know how I ate that much, but I did. Other then eating, I enjoyed a nice day at the harbor and just riding around in the car. It was a nice and relaxing day, much better than school. Sucks for people who still had school today.

This is directed towards baby butt hands- He told me that he was going to eat my brains out today. I told him that it was awkward; however, he denies that and says it is an extremely normal statement. Also, shush you means to be quiet. I do not get how you do not understand what that means. It is an everyday expression. Also, stop butt calling me!! Your butt calls always come at the worst times ever! It always happens when a teacher walks past me and the vibrate of my phone is pretty loud. Your calls also makes me think it is an emergency call. You know you don't hate me because I do not understand you or the "encrypted" messages that you leave me.
I always thought that all public schools have the same days off. I mean each school is diverse and has to be fair to all races and religions right? So why do some public schools have this three day weekend while other schools do not?
I've been trying to memorize one of Hamlet's soliloquies for English. "To be or not to be that is the questions, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." That is all I know so far and it is needed on Monday. I still have a while, but I also have an essay for English that is due Wednesday and a calculus test on Thursday. Junior year is sucking so far.
I have an orthodontist appointment on Thursday also. I have had a palate expander for almost 4 weeks now. I was only suppose to have it in for 2 weeks and then braces for however long, but apparently I didn't get the key in the right hole so nothing expanded. The process of getting braces is horrible. My cheeks are scraped, my teeth hurt, and my tongue is pretty cut up.
I do not get why people want to get braces when they don't even need them. It is a painful process and I don't get why people want to go through the pain when they already have nice teeth.
The radio needs to play new songs. I have had the Kings of Leons', "Use Somebody", Miley Cyrus', "Party in the USA", Pink's, "Sober" stuck in my head for the longest time. When would radios stop overplaying songs that have the chance to be pretty decent?
That is all for tonight. But I just have to add about the whole grapes debate, both, green and purple, grapes are amazing. as long as they are seedless and sweet.
Good night <3


  1. I can't believe that you would call them "butt calls." They are held in my front pocket, therefore they cannot be butt calls. Also, it is your fault that you can't decipher my encrypted messages that I leave you after these said 'calls.' Who says that eating your brains out is awkward? Psh, you're crazy!
    lol..oh dear..braces xD xD
    and purple grapes are still the win. kay bye

  2. well its the name for any accidental calls made from pockets. :P
    you and your weird encrypted messages. geezzzzz
    it is mad awkward dudeee.
